Friday, May 13, 2011

Fatty Likes Cake

I’m not a big snack person.  Typically I don’t fill up on chips or cake but for the past few weeks I’ve been a late night snacking fool.  Each night it seems that I have some type of craving that I’ve needed to satisfy.  I’m not exactly sure why I’m having these cravings but my initial thought is to blame my pregnant wife.
Men are but children of a larger growth, Our appetites as apt to change as theirs, And full as craving too, and full as vain. Diane Arbus
Sure, I’m the one choosing to eat the ice cream, nachos, cookies, etc but it’s not like I want to eat them.  It’s more like I need to eat them.  My wife is the pregnant one, but I’m the one craving snacks.  
There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment. ~ Sivananda
It turns out I’m not alone, many dads-to-be experience this sudden shift in behaviors.  Some even experience physical discomfort such as abdominal pain or leg cramps.  What many consider to be sympathy symptoms is technically known as “Couvade syndrome”.  
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. ~ William James
According to, Couvade syndrome may be caused by emotions that the father-to-be is feeling about his lady or the experience in general.  For example, she feels uncomfortable so he feels bad that he can’t help so he feels uncomfortable.  Other potential feelings that could trigger sympathy symptoms include anxiety from the stress of the experience, or from jealousy caused by her getting all of the attention.  “The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-Be” claims that up to 75 percent of men experience some type of symptom.   
There is a syndrome in sports called "paralysis by analysis. ~ Arthur Ashe
To me, Couvade syndrome is some type of lovie-dovie hippie term some new age doctor made up.  Sure... some men might think they are having pregnancy symptoms, but they are just confused and weak.  The doctors give them an excuse and they go along for the ride.  In my case.... I’m not going to blame my wife or Couvade syndrome for my snacking.  I think it is much simpler... fatty likes cake!


  1. Keep eating, you are too I love you ! Ryan said you should not blame your wife.

  2. ...some anonymous comments are more anonymous than others!
