My stated intention for this blog is to discuss the balancing of my competing priorities and whatever else is on my mind. Well... Today I did a great job of balancing my priorities. Below is a quick breakdown of my day.
Family & Recreation: My wife, son and I went to a local county park and had a blast! The best part, aside from the weather and company, was our lunch. We had a picnic by the lake! (This goose wanted lunch too!)
Family & Recreation: My wife, son and I went to a local county park and had a blast! The best part, aside from the weather and company, was our lunch. We had a picnic by the lake! (This goose wanted lunch too!)
Personal & Career: I got my hair cut. Sure this isn't the greatest personal or career accomplishment but it assisted me in preparing for the upcoming work week. I start a temporary detail at work tomorrow so the new hair-do represents my new start. (Wish me luck!)
"Looking the part helps get the chance to fill in. But if you fill the part, it matters not if you look it." ~Malcolm Forbes
Health and Fitness: I went for a run. This run didn’t go as well as planned. I guess my body wasn’t ready for the warm weather, so instead of a steady jog I did sprints. But... at least I got out there!
“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” ~Steve Prefontaine
Finance: I Finally finished my taxes!
"The politicians say "we" can't afford a tax cut. Maybe we can't afford the politicians." ~Steve Forbes
What else is on my mind:
I hope you all have a balanced day!
Sounds like a fun day. I'll miss your curls.