Monday, April 18, 2011

The Single Best Exercise is...

As a man in my (early) thirties, for me to keep it all together I need to exercise.  If I go too long without doing something physical my body stops firing on all cylinders.  I get achy, sluggish, and begin to not sleep properly.  With the arrival of Spring, and the weather getting warmer and warmer, I’m feeling motivated to get outside and break a sweat.
Yesterday, I took a jog around the neighborhood.  I felt good most of the run, but as I was plodding up a hill, I began to wonder about my fitness.  Sure, I take my occasional run, and do a little of this and a little of that, but am I getting the best bang for my exercise buck each time I workout?  I decided that I should scour the Internet to find the single best fitness exercise.
After searching Google, I’ve come to the conclusion that many exercises are considered the best exercise.  It just depends on who you ask!  Many sites mentioned walking as the single best exercise.  (While walking does burn calories, my ego won’t allow me to consider walking a workout so I continued looking.)  Other top answers included biking, swimming, yoga, running, strength training, and Tai Chi.          
Over the years, I’ve tried each of the exercises listed above.  Some of them I enjoyed more than others, but regardless of enjoyment, I was able to experience the potential benefits of each exercise.  As I did the various exercises, at no point did I ever think that I was currently performing the single best possible exercise. Each of them strengthened me in some ways but neglected other areas. How could an exercise be the single best if it isn't perfect? It couldn't be... this is probably why there is no single best exercise!   
When it comes to exercise, the best exercise is simply the one you do.  It doesn't matter what it is, even if it is walking, as long as you exercise. Keep trying different exercises and your general fitness will keep improving. Maybe after mixing up my workouts I won't have to trot up that hill!
Stay active and stay healthy!


  1. Cool im more into sports than exercising but last year ive been so busy with work, i dont like going to the gym. i love biking but people here stare like shi* lol so bought me a home gym lmao :)) but i will go mountain biking if i get the chance ^^

  2. Hi Jay, I see how we connect.....the thought of the Jay and .....The tip of the day.
    Thanks for posting on my fb page.
    I like your blog. I agree with you. The best exercise is the one the fits YOU the best. It is just being consistent and just....doing it!
    I attended a Great Wealth Transfer Conference in Austin,TX, the past weekend and got back to getting my taxes filed so I am working on my next .....Social Networking Tip by Dee....stop back.
